Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Busman's Holiday

Last Saturday I awoke with a fair amount of pain in my wrists, most likely from the binge machine quilting of late.  So, considering I really didn't want to continue aggravating my wrists, what to do?  The ziplock baggie of blue-gray scraps came out and I played all day made this little doll quilt top, #2 in my series Pieced from Lois's Scraps.

I have a ton of admiration for those quilters who can work with teeny-tiny pieces of fabric, making them and their sewing machines piece in harmony to create perfect little teeny-tiny blocks. These cake stand blocks finish at 4 inches, and only one of the four blocks went together without a hitch. I guess my fingers are just a bit too clumsy to work with tiny pieces! But I love this scrappy little flimsy anyway, for all its quirks and lopped off points! It will finish at about 17 inches square when quilted, hopefully sometime later this fall.

A closer look -"The good block"

One of the other 'bad boys' on the block (though not the worst!)

I wonder if Google will ever get around to fixing the comment-to-email issue that currently plagues all of us. I hope so, as it seems so many of the bloggers I follow are getting mighty discouraged and seem ready to throw in the towel. Sure would hate to see that happen. Is this Google's master plan to discourage and eventually discontinue Blogger? One has to wonder at this point. So very sad.


Quilting Babcia said...

Sending myself the first comment on a post seems so very silly, but what's a blogger to do ...

---"Love" said...

Those are cute little blocks, but I couldn't do them! My fingers can't pick them up, nor hold them! I hope quilters don't give up on blogging. I have learned so much from reading blogs, and I really look forward to reading them often. ---"Love"

Debbie said...

Too cute! Love this block. Your bad boy block looks good to me:) My fingers can't handle anything smaller than 2 '' anymore.

Kyle said...

I simply adore your newest quilt in your series. Lois's scraps are good ones. It's a great color combination and your little blocks are lovely. The points aren't lopped off, they're just hiding . It's a sweet finish. Take of your wrists, don't over do.

gayle said...

I love your little basket quilt!
I've got my comments working again - I went into the settings at Blogger and changed my email address for notifications to a gmail addy. There was a confirmation email that I had to reply to in order to make it work, then suddenly everything was okay again. (I've got that gmail address set to just dump everything to my 'real' email address, so hunky dory so far!)

Lizzy D said...

Does it help with the problem? How? I too thought it was a sneaky way of getting rid of blogs. Too bad as I love writing my blog and reading others. FB is not at all the same, and IG ...no.

lizzy at gone to the beach

Lizzy D said...

Your little Baskets are so darling! Wonderful colors. I can't imagine those itty bitty points. I make mine big and trim and still chop off points.

lizzy gttb lizzzz.d@gmail.com

Chantal said...

I love your mini quilt. It's gorgeous!! I love grey with gold/yellow. You did an awesome job here. No bad boys in this quilt. I love to play with teeny tiny little pieces and believe me when I say you did an awesome job. The smaller the pieces the more the slightest deviation shows. If you sew 1/8 of an inch to the left or right, it will show well on little pieces because it is about 15 to 20% of the block. On the bigger pieces, it is but a sliver. Hope your wrists heal quickly. ;^)

Quilting Babcia said...

Test comment.

Quilting Babcia said...

Test Comment #2

Janet O. said...

I think your little scrap basket quilt is delightful. Very vibrant and bold.
Believe me, I felt like I couldn't do the small pieces on the first 10 or 20 small quilts. :)
Curious about what Gayle said. I have always had a gmail address, but it didn't stop me from having the problem.

Barb said...

Love this!
Love that color combination.
sorry your wrists hurt, hope its imporoving

Rebecca in AK said...

Such a pretty,sunny little quilt! All the blocks look like good blocks to me. I hope your wrists are better! (I also hope you get this comment, I have been hesitant to comment on blogs because of this issue.)

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Your little baskets glow. Hope your wrists felt better right away.