Monday, December 14, 2020

A little charlie brown Christmas wallhanging

Speaking of hanging, we're hanging in there (or is that hanging out here) in a state of suspended animation, the dreaded virus having come to pay a visit.  Hubby was tested for it last week Monday and we learned the test was positive late afternoon on Thursday.  He is doing very well, no real symptoms beyond the first couple days, no fever whatsoever, no cough or congestion, etc.  However, he is quarantined until the 16th, but my quarantine has to extend 14 days beyond that.  So, though I'll be freed from house arrest in time for New Years Eve, there's nowhere to go anyway!  It is a rather weird feeling that even though we had no plans to go anywhere, now that we can't it just seems very strange.  Very thankful we have some acreage so we can get outside when we want to.  

So, the Christmas decorations are all up, the demon kitten hasn't (yet) knocked the Christmas tree over though awhile ago he tipped over my floor hoop holding Quilty 365 and has mastered the art(?) of climbing the drapes.  The outside tree and the big star over the barn are lit, freezer and frig well stocked except for eggs, and all is well in our little universe.   

Looking w-a-y more innocent than his drapery-climbing adventures would suggest ...

Over the weekend I finally got out a smallish Christmas panel and made a futile effort to straighten it. The entire panel was printed off grain and even the margins around the blocks could not be coerced into a true rectangular shape.  Added a narrow border, gave it a quick overall quilting and it now hangs in all its humble charlie brown Christmas glory on the door to my sewing room.

One more bit of fabric out of my stash and now in the finished column!   A close-up showing the quilting, Jester's Hat that we learned during the 2012 FMQ Challenge.  

It's snowing lightly now, and we're due to receive 4-6 inches later in the week from the storm currently in the midwest.  This is what it looked like just before dark. The birds are happy. Winter is upon us.


Kyle said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's recent test, but I'm glad his symptoms are very mild and I hope the virus stays far away from you. Panels can be a real challenge to get straight. Your easy solution worked out best.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

I'm sorry your husband is covid positive and I hope he continues to have very mild symptoms, and that you escape it somehow. Nice that you have a nice space at home. Very cute panel

Barb said...

Glad your husband didn't get more ill with the virus. Sorry to hear you are dealing with it.
Cute wall hanging and I really love your outdoor decorations. I'm sure the birds like it :)

Debbie said...

So glad his symptoms are minor and is ok. The quarantine is long but if you get snowed in....we won't tell! I love the little wall hanging and I do remember the "jester's hat" class when we met!

Angie said...

Echoing wishes for a solid recovery for your husband, and negative test results for you! Hope the coming snow is not too treacherous.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh my! I'm glad to hear that he has no symptoms. I love the Charlie Brown hanging! I've never seen a panel that did print straight so I would say you did a fantastic job getting it to hang! Have a very Merry Christmas in your confinement!

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh gosh, Pat. I'm sorry about your hubs! But maybe it was inevitable? I mean, don't we all know more and more people who are contracting Coronavirus? Do you know where he got it? Just yesterday, our fifth grade grandson was told a classmate (in-person school since September) tested positive, so now that grandson is in quarantine. The virus is just relentless! I hope you don't get it, but being in the same house sure makes avoidance difficult, doesn't it? Glad you can get outdoors now and then. And I'm glad you're still finding satisfaction in creating. Great job making that crooked panel hang straight! Take care of yourselves.

Robin said...

Ah. . . this winter has just begun and already I have cabin fever. Sorry to hear that Covid has come to visit your house. Glad to hear your husband is doing well. My bout with Covid wasn't life threatening but it was certainly not something I would want to repeat. I hope you stay well.

audrey said...

Very glad your husbands symptoms are mild. Whew! Hopefully you will be fine too. I know it has to do what a virus does and make all the rounds, but I will be so relieved to be past this whole thing.

Chantal said...

Sending prayers that you and DH get through the Covid infection with very little symptoms. The Charlie Brown Christmas tree is not that bad. It actually looks straight from here. ;^)

Hill Top Post said...

And, just like that you have a new quilted Christmas panel on your sewing room door. I love the print! Hopefully, your husband will continue to do well, and that the virus will skip you completely! Take care and enjoy a nice relaxing Christmas.

Quilting Babcia said...

Thank you, we continue to do well, it's snowing hard, and the kitten is helping me type this. All is well!

Nancy said...

I'm so glad your husband doesn't have any major problems because of Covid. I hope the same for you!
Isn't it strange how we suddenly feel so confined when we're told we can't go out? I felt that way when we were first given the stay at home order in the spring. It's great you have acreage.
I think your Christmas panel quilt looks great. I don't notice it being out of kilter. I have only a few pieces of fabric with with printed rectangular/square shapes on them and they are all out-of-square. They're still sitting in a cupboard.
Did you get the 6" of snow? I'm hoping we'll have some for Christmas.

Barbara said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's positive Covid results but happy that he has no real symptoms. Quarantining over the holidays shouldn't be too bad even though confinement will seem like forever :) Love what you did with the panel and it looks great on your sewing room door! Your kitty looks guilty lol! Merry Christmas!