December's mini used up the last of all the cut-off flippy points of the stars from last year's Christmas quilt, below
Here's December's mini
December's mini used up the last of all the cut-off flippy points of the stars from last year's Christmas quilt, below
Here's December's mini
Ah, quarantining for 24 days - what to do but quilt! It seems this enforced seclusion has jump-started my quilting mojo again and for the past few days I've been piecing this top. A second version of a quilt made for our church camp auction last year which was named April in Paris. This version I'm calling "Younger than Springtime" in a nod to the Rodgers and Hammerstein song of the same name featured in the musical South Pacific.
Speaking of hanging, we're hanging in there (or is that hanging out here) in a state of suspended animation, the dreaded virus having come to pay a visit. Hubby was tested for it last week Monday and we learned the test was positive late afternoon on Thursday. He is doing very well, no real symptoms beyond the first couple days, no fever whatsoever, no cough or congestion, etc. However, he is quarantined until the 16th, but my quarantine has to extend 14 days beyond that. So, though I'll be freed from house arrest in time for New Years Eve, there's nowhere to go anyway! It is a rather weird feeling that even though we had no plans to go anywhere, now that we can't it just seems very strange. Very thankful we have some acreage so we can get outside when we want to.
So, the Christmas decorations are all up, the demon kitten hasn't (yet) knocked the Christmas tree over though awhile ago he tipped over my floor hoop holding Quilty 365 and has mastered the art(?) of climbing the drapes. The outside tree and the big star over the barn are lit, freezer and frig well stocked except for eggs, and all is well in our little universe.
Over the weekend I finally got out a smallish Christmas panel and made a futile effort to straighten it. The entire panel was printed off grain and even the margins around the blocks could not be coerced into a true rectangular shape. Added a narrow border, gave it a quick overall quilting and it now hangs in all its humble charlie brown Christmas glory on the door to my sewing room.
One more bit of fabric out of my stash and now in the finished column! A close-up showing the quilting, Jester's Hat that we learned during the 2012 FMQ Challenge.
It's snowing lightly now, and we're due to receive 4-6 inches later in the week from the storm currently in the midwest. This is what it looked like just before dark. The birds are happy. Winter is upon us.
So happy to say the final stitch was added to this quilt shortly after noon today. And it was a cold but sunny day with wind gusts upwards of 30 mph, but what could be better than an outdoor photo shoot?
Our snow from earlier this week still persists in the shady areas of the yard and on the hillsides above us. But so good to feel the sun on your back and see blue skies.