Friday, May 18, 2018

Time Flies

If memory serves me, the first post on this little blog went public six years ago today!  Yes, time does fly by more quickly now than it did 'way back then.'  I began this blog while taking part in SewCalGal's 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge, and many blogging buddies are also graduates of that fun year of learning free motion quilting from some of the best!

On Tuesday my quilt ministry friends helped me layer and pin the disappearing nine-patch top I made recently, and quilting began on Wednesday.  I'm using an all-over motif learned during that 2012 FMQ Challenge, one shown to us by Wendy Sheppard called Jesters Hat.  It's really a fun and easy motif to quilt, though as usual I manage to stitch myself into a corner and have to break thread more often than I'd like.  But it is a very forgiving motif and provides a nice texture to the quilt.  Here's a closeup of my progress so far.

It's been a while since I had a giveaway, and a blogaversary is a good time to send some goodies onward.   I've decided to part with two books I've had for a while, realizing that I probably won't make anything from them, and that someone else might appreciate them.  The first is this gem, which I've had for a couple years, having won it from another blogging friend's giveaway.
Though there are several large blocks (especially that goose!) that I thought I'd make, that isn't going to happen. 

The second is this one that I've had for a number of years, again a fun book filled with creative ideas for adding dimension to your quilts.

The rules are simple:  giveaway is open to my United States readers only.  Leave a comment to enter, and if you have a preference for one or the other of these books, please let me know in your comment.  AND, if you are a no-reply blogger and you'd like to win, you must leave your email address in your comment so I can find you!   I'll pick two names out of the proverbial hat at the end of next week and let the winners know via email.  NOTE:  This drawing has ended and the winners have been notified and responded with their mailing addresses.  I'll try to do another giveaway soon!

And now, I'm off to enjoy the sunshine!  It's a welcome change from all the rain we've had of late.
Happy Weekend!


Debbie said...

Congrats on the blog anniversary! I also did that FMQ challenge, so I should guess that is where we "met". I often revert to that Jester hat motif!
That was the year of the broken shoulder for't believe how much I whined over that:) Now I know better.
Look at you now...running and teaching and helping with that quilt ministry.....that is such a great thing!

Janet O. said...

I remember first finding your blog during the SewCalGal free motion challenge. That was just what I needed to kick my FMQ up several notches, and to meet some new blog friends!
My blog anniversary was a week ago today, having started just one year and one week before you. But you are ahead of me getting your giveaway posted.
I am very happy that we have become blog friends. I appreciate your words of wisdom, as well as your quilting.
Please do not include me in either drawing. Though both books look great, I am at my book limit. I'm already trying to decide which ones I should part with in order to fit the pile on the floor onto the shelves. :)
Congrats on the milestone!

Kyle said...

Happy anniversary. It is amazing how time seems to fly, but look how much ground you've covered. I would be interested in the Britsh Coverlet book. I hope you continue to share your quilting adventures for many years to come.

Cathy said...

Time flies! Happy anniversary!

Your Jester's Hats look wonderful. Nice texture.

I have the 1718 Coverlet book and have actually made a row of the quilt by hand; however, I found the solids I was using frayed too much so I need to find different fabrics now since I really enjoyed making the blocks by hand.

So I'd be interested in the fabric folding book.

Needled Mom said...

Happy blogaversary. I remember that FMQ QAL. Was it really that long ago? I have always loved Wendy's Jester design. It is a great all over pattern and you are doing such a good job with it.

Nancy said...

Congratulations on six years of blogging and Happy Anniversary! I hope you many more years of blogging. The 1718 Coverlet book looks interesting. If the book includes patterns I would give it a good home.

Rebecca in AK said...

Happy blogaversary! So nice to have friends to help with the layering and basting. The quilting looks great! Please don’t enter me in the drawing though, I have books I need to give away.

Pat said...

Happy Blogging Anniversary - That Jester design is a nice one! Your giveaway is a sweet one - but I am trying to downsize and I know you will find the perfect home for these two books. I just want to continue to enjoy your blogging as you start another year of creativity!!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Happy Blogging Anniversary to you ! :) The quilting on the disappearing nine patch is looking good.

Ruth said...

I also participated in the FMQ challenge, but have never used the jester's hat pattern. I need to look it up because it looks like a fun design. I would be interested in the fabric folding book if I am picked. I too am grateful for the friends I have made from blogging. We have been lucky enough to meet in person!

julieQ said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I just really love your tutti fruity quilt!!