Friday, March 7, 2025

Finally, a Friday Finish!

When I made this quilt top, and even after marking some segments for machine quilting, I never intended to hand quilt it!  But, I couldn't resist adding some hand quilting stitches to the center, and then one thing led to another ... and what do you know?  The last stitches on the binding were finally completed late last night.  

My new camera and I do not get along!  I have to shoot from near the ceiling to capture the entire quilt - of course holding the camera over my head and hoping.  So most or all of these photos only capture a portion of the quilt, which isn't all that big at 57x64 inches.   

Audrey's pretty center block which she gifted me several years ago.  When building this log cabin improv I tried to take my cues from her center, including the birds theme as well as coloration, etc.  It really was a fun make, and my interpretation of the Jen Kingwell Daylesford Quilt pattern using several orphan blocks and pieces from my stash.  I did not follow the pattern instructions precisely as far as sizes and types of blocks, width of strips, but used up strips and pieces from my scraps.  Only the outer border is from yardage.  

Some leftover Quilty 365 blocks made their way into the quilt!  

And, the finale, the back!  I think hubby actually likes this side better!?

A bit of a 'walk on the wild side' compared with the quilts I generally make, this one was great fun from start to finish!